For thousands of years in India great saints have developed abilities far beyond what we are accustomed to. These individuals are called Siddhas. Siddha is a Sanskrit word that means one who has attained the perfection of consciousness. The abilities that Siddhas are capable of are called siddhis. They are commonly referred to as supernormal powers, however they are not really supernormal. They are the normal abilities of people who are utilizing the full potential of consciousness.
Tara and my life mission is to educate people around the world about the lives of these Siddha Saints. Humanity is facing many serious problems like running out of food, clean water, pollution of the environment, destruction of the rain forests and climate change. The solution to these problems is to raise the level of consciousness of humanity. The enlightened Siddha Saints are the experts of how to raise consciousness because they succeeded in attaining the highest states of consciousness -n Self-Realization and God Consciousness.

Ganga and Tara with Paramananda Puri Maharaj
This is Prahlad Jani who we met in March of 2019. He is over 90 years old and has not eaten or drunk in over 80 years. You may find that hard to believe but it’s true. He was examined twice in Indian hospitals for 10 days under 24 hour video surveillance. The Indian Space Program had heard about him and wanted to know if astronauts could be trained to not need to eat or drink. When Tara and I met him we were told by one of his seva people that his mission in life is to prove to humanity that you do not need to eat or drink and can live a very long time.
In the history of India there have been many people who have achieved this. We met another great saint named Paramananda Puri Maharaj, at his cave in the Himalayas who is now 130 years old. He told us that he lived with Sombari Baba on the glacier at Gangotri for 20 years without money or food. When I asked him how they survived, he replied “We ate the celestial food.” I pointed to my third eye and asked, “You mean the divine nectar amrita?” He smiled and said “Yes.”

Ganga with Maha Ananda Siddha
Maha Ananda Siddha is the most amazing person who we met during the 7 years that we lived in India. He used to be an incredibly wealthy man who made his fortune growing and exporting turmeric. He was also a very pious man who donated large sums of money to renovate temples that were in disrepair. One night after feeding the sadhus at Kalahasti, Shiva appeared in his bedroom and told him to give up his wealth and companies that he was CEO of. Shiva told him to go live in a cave in Mahadevamalai (Great God Mountain) in Tamil Nadu.
When he arrived at the cave, Shiva told him how to live there. Shiva told him to never cut his hair, to cover his body in ash, to wear just one piece of cloth around his waist and to only change it once a year on New Year’s Day (April 14th in Tamil Nadu). Shiva also told him to only take one bath a year on New Year’s Day. Shiva told him to not eat or drink anymore. He lives on the Amrita (Divine Nectar) that is secreted by the pineal gland and drips into his mouth. Shiva told him that his job is to care for anyone who comes to the mountain. Maha Ananda Siddha is not a guru. He does not teach meditation or philosophy. He places his sankalpam (divine intention) on anyone he meets so that they receive what they need.
More information about these Siddha Saints and more will be in our upcoming book “Wisdom of the Mystic Masters – Siddhas, Saints and Sages throughout the Ages.”